Class Evaluation
I like the fact that i have my own website now.I also like that thanks to do class i now know how to type with all my fingers because many people say that they can but in reality they just use there index finger. I like that we learned about many careers in this class we did very productive research. What i do not like about this class is that is too quite. I also disliked the fact that this class is very dark and seems sad. I also disliked the fact that we have to be seated for almost two hours and can not get up. I recommend you let us have a little more freedom to talk and get up if we finish our assignments. The highlight of this class would have to be the typing tutor because for me i have really improved my typing using all of my fingers. Or even maybe the student success statement, this was a highlight for me because it was a routine and i like the fact that i know what i am going to do. Like i like having an agenda so this is probably why i liked the student success statement. I am not ng my life plan journals only in class. This mainly because i am very forgetful and i have even forgot to bring my journal to class on many occasions. Honestly i am not committing to being a ctr person. It is very hard to make a change in my life at this age, because put of nowhere i am being told to chose the right in most of my life i have not.