Friday, September 30, 2016
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and responsibilities:determine conditions of patients, assist patients until they arrive at the hospital, respond to emergencies such as natural disasters, criminal violence, accidents.
Education:Training programs, state licenses, pass exams,
Demand for this profession:23% since 2012
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Reflection:I would not be interested in becoming an emt mainly because of the annual pay i am looking for a career that pays a lot more.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Student Sucess Statement
"I want me dreams to rescue me"

This can mean alot or it can mean nothing at all depemding on how you look at it. Different people see different things when they look aat this qoute. I see a pearson who is trappped someone where the only thing that can save him are hisd dreams. He needs his dream to turn into a reality. The only thing that can save you from a nightmare is a dream, dare to dream big.
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and responsibilities:Have to have special expertise in managing disease in the ear nose and throat
Education:15 years or college and postgraduate school training 4 years of med school and five years of special training
Demand for profession:
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Reflection:I would not like to be a ent doctor becomes it does not grab my attention and because there are too many qualifications to become one.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Student Success Statement
“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy”
This is true because when you are obedient you are choosing the right and when you choose the right you feel good for doing the correct thing.So if you want to be happy you must be obdient and sometimes when you are obedient you will be rewarded. IF you are obedient to a coach and listen to what he tells you then you might just when a game and after you will feel good about it because you were obedient.
One of the many things LAUSD does for us is help us graduate so that we can go straight to a collage or university and start a carrer. Another thing LAUSD does for its students is help us develop crittail thinking skills that we wioll need in our life or career. We are the furture and LAUSD is aware of this so they try to prepare their students for this as much as they can. I feel that LAUSD is trying to do a wonderful thing for us as the students and to be honest idk if its working i guess ill find out when i graduate.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Student Sucess Statement
"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basket ball player." Jhon Wooden
This to me is saying that it does not matter if you arent good at any sport. But what does matter is if your are a good person who choses the right. You shouldnt be a sore of loser if you lose a gameport. You shouldshow good sportsmanship win or loser because their will be a time were your t eam loses.
Civil Engineer
Duties and responsibilities:Protect and improve the environment we live in such as railroads, bridges dams, power plants ect
Education:4 years of college bachelor's degree in physics and math
Demand for profession:2016-2020 20% growth
Reflection:I am very interested in becoming a civil engineer every aspect of it interest me and i am fascinated by this career, i would also like to lean a little bit more about the civil engineer.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Dental Assistant
Duties and responsibilities:Treat patients, work alongside a dentist, make patients feel as comfortable as possible, prepare them for treatment and obtain dental records.
Education:complete a California state board approved registered program, complete a course in basic life support.
Demand for profession:10 year growth 25%
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Reflection:If i were to become a dental assistant i would not like it because if anything i would want to be the dentist not the assistant.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Student Success Statement
"You cannot do wrong and feel right its impossible" Ezra T. Benson
This statement by Ezra T. Benson is very true and goes hand in hand with Abraham Lincolns "When i do good i feel good, when i do bad i feel bad " the only way to do something and feel right is when what you actually do is right. It is normal for us as humans to feel wrong after we chose the wrong because we have a conscious. This makes us feel guilty or bad when we have made an incorrect decision. an example of this would be cheating on a test and getting 100% but after you will feel wrong not good because you know you cheated.
Duties and responsibilities: promote oral health and prevent disease infections. They also create various types of treatment plans to restore or maintain oral health of the patient. Do x-rays and to test for a diagnostic.
Salary:149,310$ (annual)
Education:Bachelor's degree, dental school, classes in biology, entomology, chemistry
Demand for profession:10 year growth 16 percent . # of jobs 146,800
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Reflection:I would maybe like to become a dentist i would like to know a little more about this medical pathway career.
Monday, September 12, 2016
"When i do good i feel good, when i do bad i feel bad"
This quote by Abraham Lincoln is nothing very special. Its is so simple but so true at the same time. This is just saying when you the right thing and chose to do good you will feel good inside. On the other hand when you do bad and you know that you did bad you will feel bad. Ezra Taft has said "you can not do wrong and feel right, its impossible" this is also so true and comes hand in hand with this quote by Abraham Lincoln if you do bad you will feel bad. One time when i was a kid i slapped my brothers ice cream out of his hand then he started crying after i say that i felt bad. This is evidence that this quote is true.
Duties and responsibilities: Relieves pain, improves performance, improves mobility.
Education:must have bachelor's degree, obtain a doctor of chiropractic degree,4 year internship, must pass an exam
Demand for this profession:an increase by 28%from the years 2008-2018
Reflection:I would like to become a chiropractor but their are a lot of requirements.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
"The key to freedom is obedience. The m ore obedient we are the more freedom we have."Boyd K Packer
I can see how this quote is true. Because when your are obi-dent and listen you are rewarded. The reward might be free time are you can go camping for a week by your self. I understand this quote and my thoughts are that it is true. For example with are obedient and choose the right we will do are class work , then we will be rewarded with the freedom to go on any website we wish. This has happen to me in the 3rd grade when i was obedient are was rewarded with getting to sit anywhere i w wanted.
America has had a lot of terrorist attack. The biggest one occurred 2001 September 11th. This attack happened at the hands of al-Queade Islamic group lead by Osama bin Laden. Four planes were hijacked two of them crashed in The World Trade center in New York, another one hit the Pentagon In Washington Dc, and the last one crashed in a field in Virginia. The entire September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people in total. This is the deadliest recorded attacks in the world. We will never forget 9/11.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
"Obedience is the great test of life"
This means to me doing what you are told only if what you are told id the right thing to do. You can not always be obedient to everything you are told by everyone. You have to how being obedient to someone will determine your destiny. In the 5th grade after school one day i was with two of my friends and of of them told the other to throw an apple at a car and he was obedient and thew it, that determined his destiny to get in trouble. When i read this quote that is what comes to my mind everyone is gonna have a different meaning to this quote mine is do not always be obedient.
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