Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

 I like the fact that i have my own website now.I also like that thanks to do class i now know how to type with all my fingers because many people say that they can but in reality they just use there index finger. I like that we learned about many careers in this class we did very productive research. What i do not like about this class is that is too quite. I  also disliked the fact that this class is very dark and seems sad. I also disliked the fact that we have to be seated for almost two hours and can not get up. I recommend you let us have a little more freedom to talk and get up if we finish our assignments. The highlight of this class would have to be the typing tutor because for me i have really improved my typing using all of my fingers. Or even maybe the student success statement, this was a highlight for me because it was a routine and i like the fact that i know what i am going to do. Like i like having an agenda so this is probably why i liked the student success statement. I am not ng my life plan journals only in class. This mainly because i am very forgetful and i have even forgot to bring my journal to class on many occasions. Honestly i am not committing to being a ctr person. It is very hard to make a change in my life at this age, because put of nowhere i am being told to chose the right in most of my life i have not.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Medical School

The video we watch was about some young people cheating on a test. The narrator was a woman who told her husband story. He left his wife and three children in a small apartment to become a doctor and he would not let anything stop him. He got up and told them he would tell on the first person he saw cheating, and then everyone put their cheat sheets away. The End
Student Success Statement
“When you tell One Lie, it leads to Another” Paul Hatch

Today statement is about lying. Lying is something that is done very often by many people. But is it ok to lie even if it's just one little white lie? The answer is no because once you have told one lie it turns into a domino effect after one comes another then another and another, until finally you become a person who is know for lying and no one believes. So you must always tell the truth not just for that but for a good name and a good reputation. An example would be lying to your teacher that you did your homework and then copying someone and lying about it and taking credit for their work. That lie lead to another.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement
“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company”Unknown

fact doing good. Sometimes you are just gonna stand alone even if everyone is against you.I believe the message of this is why have company if you know  it’s bad company. It is better to be alone and not doing anything bad. For example why go out to a party late at night when you can be studying at home by yourself not doing anything bad in

World War II
World War II was a global war that started in september 1 , 1939-1945. This war took place in many places Africa, Russia, Asia, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, ect. The war was fought by Germany, Italy and Japan Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, China and the United States of America Germany Europe Japan . WE can show honor to veterans by showing respect on loyalty to the american flag and saying the pledge of allegiance and having an flag. Important events that took place during world war 2 are , the holocaust, anti semitism, stainlingaurd.\

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Faces Today
Teens face many daily challenges. It all depends on the type of teen you are, if you are a ctr person you should not face many challenges, but you occasionally might. And if you are a ctw person you will be faced with many challenges, for example going out to a party instead of doing homework or not doing homework is a challenge many teens face.More are bullying, drugs, alcohol, sexaul activity. The 2 majors one i would have to say are bullying and drugs. If you are a ctr person you will not have these problems because you will always do the right thing. You can help other teens by convincing them to become a ctr person which will eliminate all their problems.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Physical Fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” President John F. Kenney
I think this statement by are former president is very true. Your body is like a machine for everything to perform at its best, every part of the machine must be at its peak. That includes physical fitness. Fortunately i am already fit, healthy, and strong as it is. I am healthy because i eat healthy and i do not smoke drink or use any type of drugs. Also because i play soccer and we do a lot of running their. One example of this would be when i am sick i do not feel like doing any type of homework or even worrying about homework or classwork.

Health Science Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:Conducts depth research on medical topics.In charge of distributing any medical information. Their primary task is to locate books, journals, and articles a customer may need,
Salary:annual 66,622
Education:Complete high school requirements, bachelor's degree in life science, masters degree in life science,   
Demand or need for this profession:Not in high demand but will not fall.
Reflection:This career does not i