Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Duties and Responsibilities: A neurosurgeon is a special someone who performs surgery on the brain or spinal cord. They also diagnose patients.  

Salary:395,000 annual 

Educational Requirements: medical degree, 6 to 8 years experiencelicense and certifications   

Demand for profession:14% growth from 2014 to 2924  


Reflection: I would not like to become a neurosurgeon because the medical field does not interest me. 

Student Success Statement  
"If you do what's right, if you live the right way, you will be taken care of." Rachel Castillo. This woman is saying that the only way that you can be taken care of is by choosing the right and being committed to it.  You MUST chose the right to be taken care of the is the only rule that comes with being taken care of. You need to  chose the right to live a happy long life. As an example compare a drunk man always falling down and hurting himself, he has a sad life. Now look at the beer free man always happy and spending time with his family.  

Friday, February 24, 2017

Student Success Statement

“ Right is right only when entire.” Victor Hugo. This an amazing quote by victor hugo, he is just speaking the truth, that the only time you can be telling the truth is when it is 100 % true otherwise it will be a lie if it is not 100 % true. For example if your mom gives you permission to go to yours friends house and after you arrive you go get a burger and then go to a bar and return home. Your mom then asks you where did you guys go you tell her to get a burger. But that is a lie because you did not tell her the whole truth.
Naturopathic Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities :Responsible for treating patients using a system of medicine based  on nature. Diagnose and treat patients.
Salary:80,000 to 200,000 annual

Educational Requirements:post secondary school 7 years, experience 2-5 years, state license, medical school.

Demand for Profession:12% since 2016

Reflection: I would not like to become a naturopathic doctor because it does not really call my name, i am not very interested.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Coast guard

Duties and Responsibilities:Search and rescue, enforce the maritime laws, aids to navigation exct

Salary:basic annual 20,000

Educational requirements:pass the asvab exam, high school diploma required

Demand for profession:unknown

Add a picture:

Reflection:Becoming a us coast guard is something that i will have to look into more because it does interest me.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Student Success Statement
The father of our country George Washington was a very respected man. He was a wise man of ctr. He did many things for us, He even received his own holiday that's how important he is. I mean he was our first president! He once said “Associate yourself with good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.” This is a very good quote by our former president. He is basically saying that if you had to choose between hanging out with bad people and being alone then  you should be alone. Why, because when you hang out with bad company you start to pick up the same habits as them. You might start to cuss of smoke and drink. You must always remember to choose the right.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Presidents Day
Presidents day is an american holiday, it's celebrated the third monday of every february. It was originally made to celebrate presidents George Washington's birthday. But now it is a national holiday that is meant to show respect to all of our presidents. It also happens to be our former president's birthday Abraham Lincoln's birthday. To show respect you can hang a us flag outside of house. And if there are any local parades going on it would be a great idea to attend.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chris Paul Story

Chris Paul is the starting point guard for the la clippers, he is one of the best point guards in the league. In high school he was also  a very big star, he was an amazing player and his grandfather knew that. He loved his grandfather he was his best friend his grandfather had faith in him. Unfortunately his grandpa he was mudder outside his house when chris found that out he was in shocked. He hand gone to all of his games no matter what, Chris wanted to do something for his grandpa but did not know what his was not sure he could play without his grandpa being there. But then his aunt gave him an idea, to score 61  points for his grampa one for each year her lived. At first he did not think he could do it, but once he put his mind to it he did it!!! HE scored 61  points for his grandpa!!! Why? Because he put his mind to it and set a goal.
Student Success Statement

In life you will always need to know what your end zone is are what is it. You will need to know so that you know what to work for, you need to strive to accomplish your goals always work your hardest. Today we have a very inspiring true quote by Arnold H. Glasgow. “In life as in football you won't go very far, unless you know where the goalpost are” this is very far because you need to have a target to shoot at without the target you will not be getting far. As an example in college you will need to know what you want tl major in as your target.

Duties and Responsibilities:Lawyers study the law to represent clients in courtrooms, draws legal documents, manages and gives advice to clients.


Education:Bachelor's degree, pass law school, earn a juris doctors degree

Demand for Profession: 6% since 2014

Reflection:I would like in fact to become a lawyer and this is something that i would have to look into further more.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Student Success Statement

Do you know who lives good, who actually enjoy the journey who has fun.  Who lives to the max to the fullest ? People who do good. “Only those who do good good.” Count Leo Tolstoy. If you live a good life then you're living it to the max doing everything you can do. For example the patriots won this year superbowl and Tom Brady lead them to yet another victory, the first thing he did instead of bragging was celebrate with his family. He dedicated the win to his mom, this is act of ctr. This is also an example of how ctr helps you accomplish your goals.

Friday, February 3, 2017

                                                      Student Success Statement Poverty or prosperity                                            “I hated poverty. change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work and i decided that i would change it.” Dr.Ben Carson he is an amazing person who has not always chosen the right, he grew up being lazy and grew up very poor. But at a young age he managed to turn his life around by choosing the right instead of sitting around all day watching tv he started reading books and he got into them. He hated being poor but he knew he poverty was only temporary because he education would lead him someone important in life and it did. But it did not happen but him Poverty is more of choice sitting around watching tv all day he committed to being a ctr person and worked as hard as he could. Ctr can and will lead us to or goals in life, as long as we always try our best and chose the right we can accomplish anything!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is NEVER RIGHT.” Russell M. Nelson
It does not matter how many students a commit a ctw it will not make it right. No matter how many people do anything wrong you should not do it because it will not justify it. For example if someone decides to jump off a brigde it will not make it right for you to do the same. So if someone is cheating it will not make it right for you to cheat the same thing applies.