Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

 I like the fact that i have my own website now.I also like that thanks to do class i now know how to type with all my fingers because many people say that they can but in reality they just use there index finger. I like that we learned about many careers in this class we did very productive research. What i do not like about this class is that is too quite. I  also disliked the fact that this class is very dark and seems sad. I also disliked the fact that we have to be seated for almost two hours and can not get up. I recommend you let us have a little more freedom to talk and get up if we finish our assignments. The highlight of this class would have to be the typing tutor because for me i have really improved my typing using all of my fingers. Or even maybe the student success statement, this was a highlight for me because it was a routine and i like the fact that i know what i am going to do. Like i like having an agenda so this is probably why i liked the student success statement. I am not ng my life plan journals only in class. This mainly because i am very forgetful and i have even forgot to bring my journal to class on many occasions. Honestly i am not committing to being a ctr person. It is very hard to make a change in my life at this age, because put of nowhere i am being told to chose the right in most of my life i have not.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Medical School

The video we watch was about some young people cheating on a test. The narrator was a woman who told her husband story. He left his wife and three children in a small apartment to become a doctor and he would not let anything stop him. He got up and told them he would tell on the first person he saw cheating, and then everyone put their cheat sheets away. The End
Student Success Statement
“When you tell One Lie, it leads to Another” Paul Hatch

Today statement is about lying. Lying is something that is done very often by many people. But is it ok to lie even if it's just one little white lie? The answer is no because once you have told one lie it turns into a domino effect after one comes another then another and another, until finally you become a person who is know for lying and no one believes. So you must always tell the truth not just for that but for a good name and a good reputation. An example would be lying to your teacher that you did your homework and then copying someone and lying about it and taking credit for their work. That lie lead to another.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement
“It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company”Unknown

fact doing good. Sometimes you are just gonna stand alone even if everyone is against you.I believe the message of this is why have company if you know  it’s bad company. It is better to be alone and not doing anything bad. For example why go out to a party late at night when you can be studying at home by yourself not doing anything bad in

World War II
World War II was a global war that started in september 1 , 1939-1945. This war took place in many places Africa, Russia, Asia, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, ect. The war was fought by Germany, Italy and Japan Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, China and the United States of America Germany Europe Japan . WE can show honor to veterans by showing respect on loyalty to the american flag and saying the pledge of allegiance and having an flag. Important events that took place during world war 2 are , the holocaust, anti semitism, stainlingaurd.\

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Faces Today
Teens face many daily challenges. It all depends on the type of teen you are, if you are a ctr person you should not face many challenges, but you occasionally might. And if you are a ctw person you will be faced with many challenges, for example going out to a party instead of doing homework or not doing homework is a challenge many teens face.More are bullying, drugs, alcohol, sexaul activity. The 2 majors one i would have to say are bullying and drugs. If you are a ctr person you will not have these problems because you will always do the right thing. You can help other teens by convincing them to become a ctr person which will eliminate all their problems.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Physical Fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” President John F. Kenney
I think this statement by are former president is very true. Your body is like a machine for everything to perform at its best, every part of the machine must be at its peak. That includes physical fitness. Fortunately i am already fit, healthy, and strong as it is. I am healthy because i eat healthy and i do not smoke drink or use any type of drugs. Also because i play soccer and we do a lot of running their. One example of this would be when i am sick i do not feel like doing any type of homework or even worrying about homework or classwork.

Health Science Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities:Conducts depth research on medical topics.In charge of distributing any medical information. Their primary task is to locate books, journals, and articles a customer may need,
Salary:annual 66,622
Education:Complete high school requirements, bachelor's degree in life science, masters degree in life science,   
Demand or need for this profession:Not in high demand but will not fall.
Reflection:This career does not i

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

There is only one true way to greatness and that is kindness. It does not matter if you are a great student but if you are not kind as person people will look at you as being mean.It also does not matter if you are a great althlete but a bad mean person. To be great you need to ne a kind person that is the only way people will turley look at you as being great. You must be truly great in your heart.
Thanksgiving Week

For Thanksgiving this year me and some of my cousins went to one of my aunt’s house. We had an amazing and delicious dinner. We ate mashed potatoes turkey bread ext. This Thanksgiving weekend i did not watch any movies. I did not have any soccer games but i did have practice. For my homework i had to write about and take notes about a speech by president Obama. I also did an extra credit assignment which was to write a reflection about the speech.For english i made a pamphlet about diseases for health. After Thanksgiving we went to my brothers tournament then our cousins from Los Vega’s came to visit us. We basically spent the rest of our weekend at my brothers tournament. I really enjoyed thanksgiving this year!!! Image result for thanksgiving dinner

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Manners maketh Man” William Wykeham. This quote by William is a wonderful quote because it is true. This weeks is not very long but instead is short , simple, and true. Good manners can mold a person into being good and kind. Good manners can also affect the way people look at you as a person, for example if you bump into a stranger you can say excuse me or pardon me or forgive me. Then you can hold the door for them. And some bad manners would be bumping into someone and not saying anything athen they will see you as a rude person.This is why manners make a good man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement
“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”Marcus Aurelius

This is yet again another great statement there is no point in doing something that is not right or saying that is not true because that will only lead to problems. Do not create problems solve them. If you're saying something that is not true then you are starting rumors and nobody likes a person who starts rumors. And if you are doing something that is not right you are choosing the wrong and that is bad.Chose the right not the wrong!!!
Thanksgiving & Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a day made to give thanks for all the blessings received in life. Prayers and ceremonies are common to almost all religions after harvest times. In the United States Thanksgiving is very common holiday because it is annual. In the U.S Thanksgiving is celebrated the fourth Thursday of every November. This year i am thankful for a lot of things. My number 1 is having a healthy and loving family. Second would be having a house. Third would have to be freedom. Fourth is knowing there will always be food at my home because my mom and dad work for that. Next would be being able to play soccer a sport that i love and i wouldn't be able to do so if it wasn't for my mom and dad taking to every practice and game. Next is a free education which i should really take advantage of. Next would be being able to buy things without always worrying about money. Next is having so much clothes and shoes. Next would be having video games and a tv. Next would be my parents having a job. Next is having so many people who love and care about me. These are the things i am thankful for this year.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”Chick Moorman is so true when he said this the most important thing is  choosing the right thing to do which is being fair and honorable. Being honest these are the important things that matter because when you do that you are doing the right thing which is way better than being wrong and winning. Besides when you chose the right you will study work hard which will cause you to  get one hundred percent on your test. You will win because of your honesty so you can have the best of both worlds as long as you chose the right.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

 Veterans day

Veterans day is an annual public holiday in the U.S. this holiday is to honor military veterans.This year of 2016 veterans day is on a friday November 11. It is important to show honor to military vets because they risk their lives for our freedom. The first way to show your respect on veterans day is to show up to a local event, a second way is to fly a flag. A third way is donate to a veterans organization, you can also visit a wounded veteran and thank him. I believe veterans day is a wonderful holiday. I also think veterans day should be shown more respect to.After all their people risking their lives for us the least we could do is thank them. I myself must admit that i am not the biggest patriot, but after researching this i might just become one. The only reason we are the home of the free is because we have veterans that are brave enough to fight for are freedom. Without them are national anthem wouldn't be true.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Student Success Statement
There are 3 magic keys to  integrity
“1.Have the courage to say no.
2.Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
These are the magic keys to living life with integrity”

This is a very helpful quote by W. Clement Stone it can help steer you into a path if integrity. All you must do is follow these simple rules, and your on your way. A life on integrity is a life you should want to live why, because everyone will believe you and trust you if you have integrity.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student Success Statement
You should really be careful who you hang out with because those people can really have an impact on your life, for better or for worse.You must always hang out with ctr people becauase you will follow their footsteps with out knowing it. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”  Proverbs 13:20
This is another honest quote, we just watched a video about a young man who said it himself that hanging with the wrong crowd lead to his failure. Then he switched schools and started choosing the right he got his grades up and graduated high school. CHOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

There are many fun recreational activities. For example swimming, soccer, basketball. But there is one activity that surpasses all others “The best recreation is to do good”. William Penn. This is such an honest  quote by William Penn the only recreation you should be doing is doing good because it is the right thing to do. Helping others can be the right thing and best thing to do.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Success Statement

What do you suppose is right when everything is wrong? Should you do something that you know is wrong even when everyone is for it? “Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.’ That answer to that question is no. One time in my elementary school there was a substitute teacher so everyone moved seats except me because i knew the right thing to do was stay where i was at even if everyone is against it. There was a sense in a movie where a group of teenagers were egging a car all but one because he knew wrong was still wrong even though everyone was for it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student Success Statement

 Olympic gold medal winner Peter Vidmar once said "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want you now. Write down what you want most and see it often ". This is a very inspirational quote by Mr.Vidmar and it makes a lot of sense if you think about it. You can never take your eye of the prize you  must always keep in mind what you desire the most because then you might just forget about you desire most and lose the desire to have it. It's like if a little kid has wanted and  ice cream for very long time then his choses candy over what he wants the most because he took his eye off of it.
1.School homecoming is an annual traditional dance to welcome back former student.
2.Wednesday April 21,1909 was the first recorded homecoming event. Former students raised funds served supper and barbeque they decorated the town.
3. Schools still celebrate homecoming because it is an annual tradition across the U.S.
4.The events at homecoming are spirt week, homecoming dance, and homecoming football game.
5.It's called the homecoming game because it is when the school returns to their “home”.
7. I really enjoy homecoming because it is a very fun week at school,it is a time to really show school spirit.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Student Success Statement
“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”
Mike Krzyzewski aka coach K

This is a very true statement by Coach K, the best thing you can have is a good name. I know if i was to chose between a good name or anything i can achieve i would chose a good name. Because what is the point of saying that you achieve something if no one is going to care because you have a bad name. No one will want to be friends with a person of bad name. For example once in my elementary there was this kid named Albert. He had one a hand ball tournament but no one wanted to be friends with him. Your name = reputation.    

Global career

Global Opportunities:Careers in other Countries
Spain: Engineers are critical for Spain, engineers play one of the most important roles in Spain. Spain is always in demand for renewable energy, desalination, waste management.
Germany: Automotive industry in Germany is huge, it's the largest in Europe. In 2010 it manufactured 5.5 million passenger vehicles. 709,000 works are hired at the vehicle sector.
Italy:General business services including real estate generates the most labor jobs in Italy, and it has withstood the economic crisis.
India: Accounting and financing in India is huge and in high demand, because of this India has high savings such as 30%     

Thursday, October 20, 2016

student success statement 

"a good name is rather chosen than riches"

This quote is from the proverbs and it is a very good one. A name will always follow us a name will  always come first. People will never know what you have without knowing your name. You must always chose the right in this case the right chose is a good name over great riches. You can also have great riches and a good name but only if you chose the right.

Image result for good name

Friday, October 14, 2016

Student Success Statement  

"If your soc called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow." Thomas S. Manson
This is an amazing statement by Thomas S, Manson he is basically saying that  in no matter what substitution you must always chose the right even if your the only one. No matter what others are doing or no matter how many others are are choosing the wrong you must always be that one person who does the right thing. For example lets say there are kids egging a car and you know it is wrong you mud be the one kid who chooses the right and car.
Image result for ctr
Special agent bomb technician

Duties and responsibilities:carry out inspections and deactivate bombs, conduct sweeps  
Education:High school diploma or equivalent, law enforcement training, associate's or bachelor's degree recommended for advancement
Demand for this profession:2014-2024 4 % growth

Reflection:I was interested in this career but ,not any more. I realized how dangerous tis career is one mistake can end your life. After researching this career i know now that i am no longer interested in this career.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Student Success Statement
“ A ctr champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself” Noemi Trigueros

This quote is a wonderful wonderful quote said by one of our peers, her name is Noemi Trigueros. I couldn't have said it better myself the only way to become a champion as a person is too chose the right. When she said this quote this is what i think she meant.We should always be a good person who chose the right!  

  Environment health specialist  
Duties and responsibilities:Enforce state and local laws and regulations about water, food, and they handle hazardous waste
Salary: 30,546-67,456 $ annual
Education:4 years college or university, health,safety, scientific discipline  
Demand for profession:

Reflection: I am not complete sold in this career of environmental health specialist.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Student Sucess Statement 

"Goal Setting Is goal getting. Set and get."
Mark Victor Hansen
This means that the only way to achive your goal is by, setting and obtainble goal and by pursing it and chasing it, go after it. Mark Hansen is very true in this qoute and i argree very much with this qoute , i couldnt have set it better myslef. If you truely want achive your goal the only way to do so is by going out of your way to cahive your goal.My goal was once to ride a bick and i achived that goal by trying to ride it.

Image result for setting goals


  Columbus Day
Christopher Columbus was a European explorer, he was born in 1451 in Italy. He went on 4 voyages, August 1492  him and his crew hit land they thought it was asia, but it was America. He returned to spain and once again went back to America looking for treasure. He Returned to Spain for a 4th time and passed away.   

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Student Ssuccess Statement

"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block" James E. Faust

To reach the top of the pyramid we must be odedient and do what we are told when doing this we will be one step closer to the top. But when we are disobedient we can stumble and fall which means you will be father from the top of the pyramid. We must always chose the right and be obedeitnt and that what we are told. CHOSE THE RIGHT.
Duties and responsibilities:help patients health and diet needs, counsel patients on nutritional issues, develop meal plans.
Education:4 years in deictic, high level in biology, chemistry, food diet
Demand for this profession:21% growth since 2012
Reflection:This career does interest me but not to the point  where i would like to become one.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Student Success Statement  
“We learn something by doing it.”Spencer W. Kimball
This quote is so simple yet so true. The only way you can learn to do something to do something is by doing it.If you want to learn how does life treat you the only way you will know is by living your life. I know this statement is true because when i was like seven i couldn't ride a bike i learn by practicing everyone would tell me how to do it but i never actually learned until i got on my bike and rode it.

Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and responsibilities:determine conditions of patients, assist patients until they arrive at the hospital, respond to emergencies such as natural disasters, criminal violence, accidents.  
Education:Training programs, state licenses, pass exams,
Demand for this profession:23% since 2012
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Reflection:I would not be interested in becoming an emt mainly because of the annual pay i am looking for a career that pays a lot more.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Student Sucess Statement 

"I want me dreams to rescue me"

.Image result for dream big j cole

This can mean alot or it can mean nothing at all depemding on how you look at it. Different people see different things when they look aat this qoute. I see a pearson who is trappped someone where the only thing that can save him are hisd dreams. He needs his dream to turn into a reality. The only thing that can save you from a nightmare is a dream, dare to dream big.
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and responsibilities:Have to have special expertise in managing disease in the ear nose and throat  
Education:15 years or college and postgraduate school training 4 years of med school and five years of special training  
Demand for profession:
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Reflection:I would not like to be a ent doctor becomes it does not grab my attention and because there are too many qualifications to become one.   

Monday, September 26, 2016

       Student Success Statement
“Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy”
This is true because when you are obedient you are choosing the right and when you choose the right you feel good for doing the correct thing.So if you want to be happy you must be obdient and sometimes when you are obedient you will be rewarded. IF you are obedient to a coach and listen to what he tells you then you might just when a game and after you will feel good about it because you were obedient.


One of the many things LAUSD does for us is help us graduate so that we can go straight to a collage or university and start a carrer. Another thing LAUSD does for its students is help us develop crittail thinking skills that we wioll need in our life or career. We are the furture and LAUSD is aware of this so they try to prepare their students for this as much as they can. I feel that LAUSD is trying to do a wonderful thing for us as the students and to be honest idk if its working i guess ill find out when i graduate.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Student Sucess Statement 

"What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basket ball player." Jhon Wooden 

This to me is saying that it does not matter if you arent good at any sport. But what does matter is if your are a good person who choses the right. You shouldnt be a sore of loser if you lose a gameport. You shouldshow good sportsmanship win or loser because their will be a time were your t eam loses.
Civil Engineer
Duties and responsibilities:Protect and improve the environment we live in such as railroads, bridges dams, power plants ect
Education:4 years of college bachelor's degree in physics and math
Demand for profession:2016-2020 20% growth

Reflection:I am very interested in becoming a civil engineer every aspect of it interest me and i am fascinated by this career, i would also like to lean a little bit more about the civil engineer.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dental Assistant
Duties and responsibilities:Treat patients, work alongside a dentist, make patients feel as comfortable as possible, prepare them for treatment and obtain dental records.
Education:complete a California state board approved registered program, complete a course in basic life support.
Demand for profession:10 year growth 25%
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Reflection:If i were to become a dental assistant i would not like it because if anything i would want to be the dentist not the assistant.