Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Student Success Statement
“Kindness is the essence of greatness.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

There is only one true way to greatness and that is kindness. It does not matter if you are a great student but if you are not kind as person people will look at you as being mean.It also does not matter if you are a great althlete but a bad mean person. To be great you need to ne a kind person that is the only way people will turley look at you as being great. You must be truly great in your heart.
Thanksgiving Week

For Thanksgiving this year me and some of my cousins went to one of my aunt’s house. We had an amazing and delicious dinner. We ate mashed potatoes turkey bread ext. This Thanksgiving weekend i did not watch any movies. I did not have any soccer games but i did have practice. For my homework i had to write about and take notes about a speech by president Obama. I also did an extra credit assignment which was to write a reflection about the speech.For english i made a pamphlet about diseases for health. After Thanksgiving we went to my brothers tournament then our cousins from Los Vega’s came to visit us. We basically spent the rest of our weekend at my brothers tournament. I really enjoyed thanksgiving this year!!! Image result for thanksgiving dinner

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Manners maketh Man” William Wykeham. This quote by William is a wonderful quote because it is true. This weeks is not very long but instead is short , simple, and true. Good manners can mold a person into being good and kind. Good manners can also affect the way people look at you as a person, for example if you bump into a stranger you can say excuse me or pardon me or forgive me. Then you can hold the door for them. And some bad manners would be bumping into someone and not saying anything athen they will see you as a rude person.This is why manners make a good man.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement
“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”Marcus Aurelius

This is yet again another great statement there is no point in doing something that is not right or saying that is not true because that will only lead to problems. Do not create problems solve them. If you're saying something that is not true then you are starting rumors and nobody likes a person who starts rumors. And if you are doing something that is not right you are choosing the wrong and that is bad.Chose the right not the wrong!!!
Thanksgiving & Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is a day made to give thanks for all the blessings received in life. Prayers and ceremonies are common to almost all religions after harvest times. In the United States Thanksgiving is very common holiday because it is annual. In the U.S Thanksgiving is celebrated the fourth Thursday of every November. This year i am thankful for a lot of things. My number 1 is having a healthy and loving family. Second would be having a house. Third would have to be freedom. Fourth is knowing there will always be food at my home because my mom and dad work for that. Next would be being able to play soccer a sport that i love and i wouldn't be able to do so if it wasn't for my mom and dad taking to every practice and game. Next is a free education which i should really take advantage of. Next would be being able to buy things without always worrying about money. Next is having so much clothes and shoes. Next would be having video games and a tv. Next would be my parents having a job. Next is having so many people who love and care about me. These are the things i am thankful for this year.  

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student Success Statement

“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”Chick Moorman is so true when he said this the most important thing is  choosing the right thing to do which is being fair and honorable. Being honest these are the important things that matter because when you do that you are doing the right thing which is way better than being wrong and winning. Besides when you chose the right you will study work hard which will cause you to  get one hundred percent on your test. You will win because of your honesty so you can have the best of both worlds as long as you chose the right.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

 Veterans day

Veterans day is an annual public holiday in the U.S. this holiday is to honor military veterans.This year of 2016 veterans day is on a friday November 11. It is important to show honor to military vets because they risk their lives for our freedom. The first way to show your respect on veterans day is to show up to a local event, a second way is to fly a flag. A third way is donate to a veterans organization, you can also visit a wounded veteran and thank him. I believe veterans day is a wonderful holiday. I also think veterans day should be shown more respect to.After all their people risking their lives for us the least we could do is thank them. I myself must admit that i am not the biggest patriot, but after researching this i might just become one. The only reason we are the home of the free is because we have veterans that are brave enough to fight for are freedom. Without them are national anthem wouldn't be true.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Student Success Statement
There are 3 magic keys to  integrity
“1.Have the courage to say no.
2.Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
These are the magic keys to living life with integrity”

This is a very helpful quote by W. Clement Stone it can help steer you into a path if integrity. All you must do is follow these simple rules, and your on your way. A life on integrity is a life you should want to live why, because everyone will believe you and trust you if you have integrity.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student Success Statement
You should really be careful who you hang out with because those people can really have an impact on your life, for better or for worse.You must always hang out with ctr people becauase you will follow their footsteps with out knowing it. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”  Proverbs 13:20
This is another honest quote, we just watched a video about a young man who said it himself that hanging with the wrong crowd lead to his failure. Then he switched schools and started choosing the right he got his grades up and graduated high school. CHOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Student Success Statement

There are many fun recreational activities. For example swimming, soccer, basketball. But there is one activity that surpasses all others “The best recreation is to do good”. William Penn. This is such an honest  quote by William Penn the only recreation you should be doing is doing good because it is the right thing to do. Helping others can be the right thing and best thing to do.